
The M113 ZELDA is an improved IDF variant of the iconic American Vietnam war era armoured personnel carrier. Being one of the most prolific operators of the M113, the IDF evolved the M113 into an uparmoured local variant. The newly equipped “Toga” armour M113 became known as the ZELDA.

Maintaining its original function on the battlefield, the ZELDA provided additional protection required for urban fighting, through the use of perforated steel plates on an external frame . This upgrade provided extra protection for both the crew and onboard systems from all sides except the rear.

Manned by a crew of 2, the M113 ZELDA could carry up to 11 soldiers into the battlefield typically with medium or heavy calibre roof mounted machine guns.

Academy 1/35 M113 ZELDA APC, item No: 13557, features:

  • Detailed hull featuring accurate weld lines, engine intake grill, bolts, and tiedown hooks.
  • Detailed interior featuring the crew and passengers’ stations with seats, instrument panels and radio.
  • Movable hatches, rear exit ramp and door after assembly.
  • Perforated shields for APC version.
  • Optional command version parts included.
  • Single link plastic & vinyl tracks included.
  • 5 figures included.
  • Various IDF accessories including stretcher, tarps, and jerry cans.
  • 1 PE fret.