German Leopard 2A6 Main Battle Tank
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product description
The Leopard 2A6 is an improved version of the German Leopard 2 main battle tank, which first saw service in 1979. Various armor upgrades included the installation of a heavier driver’s hatch, angled applique armor on the turret’s front and sides, as well as improvements in the main armor composition for better protection. Both the older commander’s and gunner’s sights were moved, allowing for the addition of a new independent 2nd generation thermal sight for the commander.
Armed with the Rheinmetall 120 mm L/55 smoothbore gun, the Leopard 2A6 can engage moving targets at ranges up to 5,000 meters while being on the move thanks to its electronic turret and digital fire control systems.
Ryefield Model‘s Leopard 2A6 Main Battle Tank, kit No: RM-5065, features:
- Highly detailed lower hull featuring crisp weld lines and bolts.
- Highly detailed slide molded turret featuring crisp details and anti slip texture.
- Slide molded single piece barrel with textured fume extractor, and 3D printed collimator.
- Fully workable suspension and tracks after assembly.
- Detailed inscription on the wheels’ rubber rims.
- Side skirts can be built raised or lowered.
- All stowage boxes on the turret can be built as either open or closed.
- Various storage pockets and details behind the swingable side applique armor.
- Optional DARKAS and RKL maneuvers and exercise systems.
- Clear parts for the headlights, periscopes, and sights.
- Vinyl parts for the read mud flaps.
- 2 types for the driver’s rear view camera.
- 3D printed pin connectors.
- PE parts for the intake covers, turret’s side storage baskets, and various details
- Two marking options for 2 3-tone NATO colored Bundeswehr units.